Preliminary Task Final Product


My first experience with the process of film making I believe was highly successful for a first attempt. I managed to produce the scene very similar to how I imagined it when our team were making ideas for this task and have gained necessary knowledge far more efficiently than any theory in a classroom has so far. 

We needed to consider realism when shooting this scene, which is why we need the lights off so that Person A wouldn't see what the other characters were doing. Our greatest mistake was not reading the briefing carefully enough and running away with our own artistic license. The brief specified that one character must walk into a room, sit down, and exchange dialog with another character, Person A did not sit down during our first shooting, which resulting in having to re-shoot all of Person A's scenes to include a chair and our actors current clothing, which would not be a problem for a larger production than our class project but as we were only using our peers, this caused an inconvenience. 

This also caused inconsistency for the overall out come, as we needed to use a different camera for the re-shoot, so sound and film quality changed between cuts. The changed in lightly when Person A turned on the lights caused static over the shoot as the camera attempted to refocus to the new lighting. I believe this could have been fixed had we spotted it sooner, we might have considered re-shooting and cutting between the light change, which would have hidden the cut and would already be in focus.

Our preliminary task could definitely be improved further. For example, the editing program we used could have been better and we could have practiced with the software for longer before hand, I spent just under an hour putting everything together as a practice and simply thought this rough outline was good enough and used my practice run for our actual file. 

Another point of improvement could be our actors. While I am grateful for their help, Person C (Far left) simply stood suppressing laughter while he was supposed to be harassing Person D, I accept it might have been hard  to keep a straight face with how silly the scene was but it did detract from the effect. 

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